Devolving US back to the Constitution as of January 1871

This blog is dedicated to the subject of Devolution — devolving our Federal Government back to our Constitution as it existed prior to 1871. I firmly believe that our Constitution is one of the greatest documents ever devised by Man and inspired by our Creator, and that many of our current issues stem from straying away from the intent and text of our Supreme Law of the Land. I have 5 children and am very concerned that they are being robbed of their birthright inheritance by self-serving political elites that ought to be serving our interest instead.
So when President Trump announced he was running in 2015, at first I was skeptical, afraid he was just showboating or perhaps a dark horse running to divide the republican voters. Of course the RINO candidates, or as I like to call them, DIABLOs (Demonrat In All But Label Only), like ¡Yeb!, Romney, etc were out of the question. Carson and Cruz were my preference, but the more I watched and listened to Trump, the more he won me over.
When he slammed NoName as a traitor, I was sold — read about the real McCain here , “The War Secrets Sen. John McCain Hides“. As candidate and POTUS, he has exposed the den of thieves, layer by layer while achieving an impressive 606 specific accomplishments under the 18 categories and 64 sub-categories while Making America Great Again.

In grade school, I once owned a book about JFK and learned that he liked to read newspapers front to back daily, and so I decided to do the same; reading the papers and news magazines after my parents had finished them. Since then, I have always been interested in politics for every place that I had ever lived in, including Germany and Nigeria. I also fully supported the TEA party movement and Sarah Palin’s run for office. Knowing what we know now, I understand why she shifted her political focus after meeting Trump for lunch in NYC while campaigning in 2012 . The Deep State and cabal would have destroyed her.
While I would say that I’ve been awake and digging a long time, I must say that it is only a fraction compared to what Trump and his team has exposed. To paraphrase Reinhold Niebuhr; He has awaken Patriots and given us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, but more importantly, courage to change the things we can. With God’s help, we will have the wisdom to know the difference. And thus, as a Digital Warrior and proud deplorable, I am motivated to blog about devolution related issues.
As this is not a daily blog, rather a collection of intermittent posted articles, please consider subscribing so that you will be automatically alerted by WordPress email whenever new content is posted… And to support this site, please check out the Devolution themed Merch.
Last but not least, Guest Contributors are welcome! Please use the Contact form to give me a brief summary and whether you wish to become a regular contributor or just to submit an article(s). Remember, there are many vectors to Devolution, more than I can personally cover. Perhaps you have material specific to a State, local Government etc. If you would like to see it online, don’t hesitate to contact me. Rough drafts are welcome too, the main thing is to get it out there for others to read and discuss. If you already have a blog, I’ll be glad to promote your site.
Thank you and COVFEFE!!!
Yours Truly,


New Article Coming Soon…
How the Organic Act of 1871 and the 14th Amendment destroyed the affirmed Rights of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th Amendments in our Bill Of Rights (BOR) and turned them into privileges that may be revoked by the Federal Government on a whim.
Another article, tentatively entitled “Yes Virginia, Iowa Really Does Need Devolution…” Stay tuned.